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1337 Ventures

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1337 Ventures company environment picture 1
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Our Story

What is "1337 Ventures"

Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is a system of modified spellings used primarily on the Internet. It often uses character replacements in ways that play on the similarity of their glyphs via reflection or other resemblance.
The term "leet" is derived from the word elite, used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment.

1337 Ventures is the first accelerator in Malaysia, and also one of the few Venture Capitals focusing on early stage startups. We help accelerate and invest in startups as early as an idea, and grow them into some of Malaysia's top startups.

Since our inception, we have accelerated over 500 startups from 6 different countries. We've also consulted the innovation journeys of MNCs and GLCs such as MDEC, Maybank, TM, Digi, Khazanah Nasional and Naza, to name a few.

Join us as we help solve Malaysia's biggest problems, one startup at a time.

1337 Ventures' Culture

In 1337 Ventures, we hire with the same mentality as we invest: 
Great people can make bad ideas work, but bad people cannot make great ideas work. 
We believe that skills, talents and experience is something that is nurtured, and just like our startups, we invest in people. We don't hire superstars; we make superstars.

Independent and self-starter
Here, we promote our team to work on projects they feel are beneficial. We believe in the 10% rule - If you've accomplished your day-to-day work, you're encouraged to work on projects you believe can benefit the ecosystem and organisation. Don't worry about being the best at your field; our people collaborate and support each other. 

Career progression
No one day in 1337 Ventures is the same. You'll face different challenges, be exposed to different high profile individuals daily, be given tasks that requires you to crack your brains, not brawns, and ownership in each project you work on.

We don't believe in following the leader. If you have your suggestion, voice it out! One perk of being independent is that no one's opinion weighs more than the other, be it the CEOs, or the interns - we take everyone's opinion equally, without bias of rank or age, so long as it makes sense.

Lit working environment
Don't expect to come to work in a suit and tie, working in a serious environment. We not only work like a startup - we dress and live like our startup founders. Get used to seeing us in jeans and t-shirts on a daily basis, with a casual, yet productive, work culture. 

Company Benefits

1st Accelerator in Malaysia

Work with the minds behind Malaysia's first accelerator


No one's opinion weighs more than the other, be it the CEOs, or the intern's.

Meet and work with amazing people

Expect to increase your network qualitatively, as we meet startups and executives on a daily basis

Our Address

Orbit, Level 3, Vertical Corporate Tower B, Avenue 10, The Vertical, No, 8, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.

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