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360 Consulting Group Sdn Bhd

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Our Story

About us

 360 Consulting Group was established in 2017, an award wining SME / business finance consulting firm, specialises in business financial planning, business strategy planning, it’s also an educational platform that provides business financing strategies, clear methods to empower all the start-up & SMEs the skills and know-how to manage their financing portfolio in an effective way.

We aspired to be the most trusted financial service brand and to build the best corporate finance eco-system to continuously offer the right business solutions and educational value to all business owners and unifying the access to financial institutions and fintech in a single platform for all SMEs in Malaysia.

Our Team and Vision



360 Consulting Group is helmed by founding members with a strong management team commanding extensive industry experience. The core team comprises of dynamic individuals with passion and dedication and are instrumental in developing the status and profile of the company as a trusted business consulting firm. Over the last few years, our firm oversaw significant growth and expanded regionally including setting up new branches.

Since our inception, our team has been growing extensively and it is our ambition to continue to differentiate our services while expanding our geographic footprint. Each employee is a specialist in his or her field. Together as a team, we make sure you are investing in the right places where you get the best returns, while building loyalty across every touchpoint.



To be the most trusted financial service brand and to build the best corporate finance eco-system, unifying access to financial institutions and fintech in a single platform for all SMEs in Malaysia.

Company Benefits

Team Engagement

Monthly Team Engagement & Entertainment Claims

Provide Training

Free Training

Near By MRT

Walking Distane from MRT Only!

Flexible Working Hours

No Overtime

Our Address

110-2, Jalan Rimbunan Raya, Laman Rimbunan, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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