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Agmo Studio Sdn Bhd

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Our Story

Company Overview

Agmo Studio is iconic iOS and Android mobile application development firm in Malaysia. Since the incorporation, Agmo Studio has earned multiple international awards and recognition from the industry, which includes ASEAN ICT Awards and APICTA Awards. We are also regular hackathon judges and winners in Maybank Hackathon, Celcom Hackathon and Angel Hack. Our reputable customers include Fortune 500 companies, including Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Fujitsu, PETRONAS, Roche, Accenture and top brands, such as digi, Petron, adidas and more. Join us today to build awesome app to improve the quality of the life for people.

Why Join Us?

Join us to enhance your portfolio by involving in award winning mobile application and catch the leading edge mobile development technology.

Our Address

Level 38, MYEG Tower, Empire City Damansara, Jalan PJU 8, Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

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