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Ara App

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Ara App company environment picture 1
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Our Story

Why us?


Automate your accounts receivable

Seamless automation for busy people. Ara helps your customers pay outstanding invoices automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.

Our Values

 #1 We’re in this together
Ara-app is a family which is bound by the drive to improve its solutions. Finding answers to extraordinary challenges is more rewarding when achieved together. We strive to push even harder when things are going well and offer support in times of need. How we work independently and as a team defines our success as a company.  

 #2 Be curious
We aspire to explore new ideas. There’s always an opportunity for fresh minds to generate new ideas. Ara-app invites you to open your eyes, mind and heart - we welcome ideas regardless of where they may lead us.  

 #3 Stay grounded
We strongly believe in personal awareness - know where we’re from to know where we’re going. We take pride in our grounded attitude, celebrate collaboration and promote constructive critique. All our solutions are derived from teamwork, no matter the weight of each individual’s input. All opinions, ideas and reasoning are encouraged and treated with fairness.  

 #4 Do what you say, say what you do
We inspire individuals to set goals, explore ideas and carry through. We offer a free setting where everyone wants to be responsible and accountable. At Ara-app, we pride ourselves with frequent communication and transparency regardless of the circumstances. 

#5 Grow everyday
Learning from mistakes, overcoming challenges, and celebrating accomplishments is the foundation for growth and success. Every step that life brings is an opportunity to develop our abilities and add value to the communities around us. At Ara-app, we build technology that serves as a catalyst for ever-accelerating growth.

Company Benefits

Value Driven

We pride ourselves on ownership, open communication, and establishing genuine team connections

Unlimited Paid Time-off

Work-life balance is key to staying happy and being productive. We allow you to have unlimited paid time-off.

Career Growth

As a startup employee you learn tons of new skills on a daily basis with a level of responsibility & development far beyond a "regular job"

Positive Impact

We work hard to have a positive impact . Digitizing healthcare has never been more relevant

Medical Allowance

We want you to not to be worried about your bills so we've got you covered! Other than General Practitioner, we also offer optical and dental benefit.

Hybrid Work

We want you to get balance of working from the comfort of your home and also get bonding time with the team.

Our Address

Block B01-B-15 Level 15 Menara 2, Jalan Bangsar, KL Eco City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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