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Ash Asia Sdn Bhd

Ash Asia Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Ash Asia Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Ash Asia Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2

Our Story


Since 2009, ASH has been helping global brands with amazing stories to sell their products in Southeast Asia.  With our knowledge and experience in managing global electronic brands, combined with our passion for the business, we are a solid distribution partner for the Southeast Asia region. We believe that the brand’s success lies in having a solid strategy from brand positioning, marketing implementation, and profound understanding of the consumer and the unique business landscape in SEA. That’s why we pride ourselves in being a brand guardian for super-brands from all over the world.  Our network spans across Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indochina. 


Passionate. Open. Playful. Three simple words that best describe who we are. 

We run our business with passion. Every day. Every project. We open ourselves to exciting collaboration – from having top celebrities endorsing our brands to working with retailers and building outstanding in-store presence. Or working with influence to make our products a new fashion statement.

Every brand we work with, we ground our thinking in strategies, but the magic is added when we play with different ideas in search of the most creative solution. We challenge ourselves to see what’s possible. Set new standards. Breed new subcultures. Make your products something people can’t live without. 

Our Address

Pantai Hill Park, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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