Auto Craver

Our Story

So what's Auto Craver all about?

Auto Craver Tradings Sdn Bhd is the owner of the website and, a company that provides a car dealership management system. 

Auto Craver has been featured in the New Straits Times, Vulcan post, MaGIC, and other regional and local media outlets. We're currently looking for superstar individuals who can bring us to our next stage of growth. 

Company Benefits

Calm and Relax

We provide PS4 and guitar for stress relief

Work While Travel

Together with our business, we're planning to travel anywhere, work anywhere soon!

Self-Improvement Time

Freedom to make use 10% of your time in the office to learn new skills, as long as it fits into our vision.

Casual Working Space

A cool and cozy home-style working space with the view of amazing KL city.

No Dress Code

Shorts? Check. Slippers? Check. Come in however you like, just make sure to wear clothes!

Flexible Hours

We don't stick to the usual 9 to 6. If you come in early and finish all you wanted to do for the day, 40 working hours a week.

Our Address

KL Eco City, Menara 1, SO-28-08, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Bangsar, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia