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Beaute Glow Sdn Bhd

Beaute Glow Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Beaute Glow Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
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Our Story

About Us

Welcome the our page! 
Our Mission 
Beaute Glow is an international Aesthetic & Holistic Wellness Marketing Agency established with the mission to make everyone feel and look beautiful inside and out!!
We believe in a holistic concept of Aesthetics and we incorporate traditional Beauty, Fitness, and Positive Psychology in a single industry to bring out the best version of the face, body, and mind.

Our Culture
It doesn’t matter what you or your resume looks like or what your current fitness level is, we are looking for individuals that are ready to commit to a new age concept of wellness and aesthetics to best represent our company. We are a start-up looking for individuals that are hungry to BYOB and ROWE with us! To clarify, we believe in a Results Oriented Work Environment, which means you determine your own work days and working hours, and Be Your Own Boss! 


Working Together

Our Office and Our People 
Although our parent company has been in the B2B Beauty industry for 33 years, as a marketing agency - Beaute Glow is very young! Not only is our club still under construction, our concept and agency is also new and highly impressionable towards the right fit. So come on down, make a good impression, and let’s make a video of you to put up here! 

We are looking for like minded individuals to join our Beauty and Fitness teams!

Company Benefits

Medical Claims

Monthly & Annual

Career Advancement

We are looking for leaders to establish a new industry, lead your own teams, and build the foundation of our company from the get go!

Work Life Balance

Feel like working from home today? No stress, get some rest! Be your own boss.

Great Incentives

Basic Salary negotiable and High Commission available. Decide your own worth!

Self Betterment

We want our people to best represent the brand, and that process starts with free treatments, products, and fitness coaching.


Open Market & International Possibilities.

Our Address

47, Ss18/6, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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