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Bonia Corporation Berhad

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Our Story


Established since 1974, BONIA, the international luxury brand and leather specialist, has created a trademark legend in the fashion industry, achieving numerous milestones among the many accolades it receives. BONIA has been building its identity consistently and constantly as well as earned its prestige by highlighting the three principals of its brand at all time- that’s Modern, Elegant and Contemporary.

Join a rapidly expanding public listed company on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia, which involves in manufacturing, marketing, retailing and distributing luxury leatherwear, footwear, men’s apparels and accessories.  BONIA Group has a network of over 1,000 sales outlets and 190 standalone boutiques throughout the world including countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Brunei, Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The Group continues to develop its global presence by forging strong networks with key partners around the world.
In addition to its flagship fashion label, BONIA, the Group is also behind successful brands such as SEMBONIA, and holds the license to distribute international labels such as Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club, Valentino Rudy, The Savile Row Company, Braun Buffel and Renoma.


We are a public listed company engaged in design, distribution and export of a wide variety of fashionable leather products. In line with our rapid expansion, we are seeking competent, dedicated and experienced candidate to join our company to grow!

Company Benefits

Outpatient Clinic Consultation

Panel clinic consultation coverage


Insurance for hospitalization for confirmed full time employees

Parking & subsidy

Parking subsidy provided in head office

Staff purchase discount

Annual staff purchase discount

Flexi Hour

2 hours flexi on commencement of daily work day

Our Address

Level 6, Ikon Connaught, Lot 160, Jalan Cerdas, Taman Connaught, Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur.

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