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Broadband IT Sdn Bhd

Broadband IT Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Broadband IT Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Broadband IT Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
Broadband IT Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
Broadband IT Sdn Bhd company environment picture 4

Our Story


“To become a leading IT services integrator in the region with the capability to maximize potential of business ideas”
We inspire ourselves to do what we love and connect to an objective that is cumulatively greater than ourselves. We are thinkers, creators and self-starters, we attempt new challenges with out-of-the-box thinking and we’re not afraid to fail. We strive to be transparent, putting out maximum effort in order to collectively achieve all our objectives as a team.
Our direct and innovative thinking has managed to attract integral clients and partners who share our unique vision and policy, and we’re proud to say that together, we have been able to stay ahead of the game by continually evolving in this robust business environment of the 21st century.


Broadband IT Sdn Bhd (BBIT) was established in 2011 primarily as a franchise holder and retail dealership operator for TM Berhad, the main service provider for telecommunication and internet services in Malaysia. Following award of the franchise license, we were able to set up and operate our primary outlet located at Taman Nusa Bestari, Nusajaya, Johor. Following years of excellent performances in which we won numerous back-to-back accolades for best nationwide outlet awards, we were able to expand our retail branches throughout Malaysia, with the majority of them located within the Johor Bahru district.

Concurrent with our success in the broadband and telecommunication retail industry, we have ventured into development of business IT solutions. We are currently one of the market leaders in providing solutions for payment and bill collection having developed and deployed fully integrated and customizable systems for payment collection and management. For a clearer perspective on our IT solution, our systems are fully capable of managing tens of thousands of daily transactions with estimated monthly collection amount/revenue beyond RM20 million. This segment of our business has been growing at a rapid pace and as a result, we have been continuously expanding our hardware systems to cater to the ever-increasing demand and data load.

Company Benefits

Annual Leave

Annual Leave





Our Address

Taman Nusa Bestari, 81200 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

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