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Cubikexpo Shd bhd


3 jobs

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Cubikexpo Shd bhd company environment picture 1
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Our Story

About Us

 CubikExpo is a One-Stop solution centre and manufacturing unforgettable brand experiences and relationships on the trade show floor. We produce Modular system,Custom wooden booth, Pop up stand, Display stand, Banner stand and Portable displays to suit the specification of our customers to ensure they excel at their purpose. Our exhibit designers, innovative style and production team will make your next event. Our customer service team goes above and beyond to assist our clients. At every phase of the design and fabrication process, we will collaborate with you in order to ensure that your exhibit reflects your ideal brand image. 

VIision & Mission

 - We keep find exhibit solution to fit customers brand Needs

- We develop new display system to suit market requirement

- We conduct extensive quality check in fabrication process
- We meet tight deadline of delivery 

Our People

      One of our project of Exhibition Booth Client - UMW We design , we build , we enhance your brand.      



      One of our project Client - Sumitomo We design , we build , we enhance your brand.      



Company Benefits

Traver Allowances

We covered your transportation , car parking and meal expenses during onsite trips.

Medical Claim

Confirmed staff entitled maximum rm50 claim with submitted medical resit per month.

Sale Commission

Scheme commission based on Sales Revenue

Attendance Allowances

Confirmed staff with Good attendance performance entitled rm200 per month.


Yearly increment and bonus to staff based on the performance.


Annual Leave, Medical Leave , SOCSO, EPF, IES ,PCB

Our Address

29, Jalan Indah 2/14, Taman Universiti Indah, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

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