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Established in the year 2011, De PoolMan Shop by Target Domain Sdn Bhd is a swimming pool product retailer & wholesaler that were built on bedrock of unrivalled technical know-how and a team of experts with a fanatical attention to detail.
With nearly every pool related product under the sun, ranging from Pool Gym Equipment, Pool Stone, Pool Covers, to Pool Equipment, you can rest assured that you’ll be spoilt for choice.
On top of being the only brand with CE certified Aqua Gym Equipment available, De PoolMan Shop is the importer and sole distributor of HydroRider, Aqquatix from Italy, Emaux from Australia, Pool Biking from Spain and WaterFlex from France. As an importer representative, We are footprints spans across Malaysia and South East Asia.
Here at De PoolMan, we work hard to be the last company you call, and then eventually the only company you call.
Our company culture is to make sure our staffs that works here are comfortable.
Since long hours will be commited to work, having an environment where individual staffs are able to adjust to their own comfort in work will help boost work efficiency and productivity.
Medical claims are available, medical leave are also provided
Annual Leaves, Public holidays are followed
Jalan SS 17/1A, Ss 17, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
© Copyright 2014 - 2025 Agensi Pekerjaan Wobb Sdn. Bhd.