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edotco Group

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Our Story

Our Purpose and Our Vision

Our Purpose
We Advance Communications, Today for Tomorrow

Our Vision
World’s Best TowerCo

Our Core Values

I keep to my promises
I set a high moral standard; I am honest and fair in my dealings
I do not compromise

want to be the best in whatever I do
I do not accept mediocrity
I am accountable for the outcome

I seek win-win robust solutions with all stakeholders
I always have opportunities to grow
I act in ways that conserve the environment

I practice a service attitude
I make it easy for people to deal with us
I strive to deliver delightful experiences

I have a cost conscious mindset
I eliminate waste
I aim to be the benchmark for low cost

I can challenge, but accept and support team decision
I stand for we 
I respect and embrace diversity

Our People

      It's a very can-do culture. It's a culture that focuses on action. In fact, we're biased to actions.       

Suresh Sidhu

Chief Executive Officer (edotco Group)

      If you are a person who works smart, works hard and plays hard, one who believes in our core values, one who believes in continuous learning and self-development, well then, edotco is the right home for you!      

Leong Kok Chew

Head, Regional HR (SEA), HR Director (edotco Malaysia)

      If you're a person that seeks for growth, hungry in achieving great heights of success in your career, want to go to that fast lane to reach the pinnacle of your career and you're the type who is dynamic, fast, efficient and committed to work and at the same time, you can have fun, then this is the right place to work.      

Zurairah Binti Mohmad Shaid

Specialist, Regulatory, Corporate Affairs

WORK HARD, PLAY HARD: Townhalls at edotco can be as fun & creative as this! (Q4 2017 Townhall, edotco Malaysia)

Our Address

Level 30, Axiata Tower, 9 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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