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EMP Solution Sdn. Bhd.


Our Story

We intend to shape the world with our innovation in health & beauty.

This is a 20 year old company that arise from humble beginnings where the founder was known as a renown artist in the beauty industry, especially in eyebrow embroidery. His reputation preceded him then where it provided him with the opportunity to expand the business through providing high quality beauty skin care products that empower women in general. The Company's Empro brand is the country's pride as a local beauty brand. 

The Company continued to expand further into manufacturing high quality face masks and with the recent innovation of a one of a kind instant lifting skin care product, i.e. Spacelift. 

We believe in nurturing talents of all generations!

The Company believes in nurturing talents by creating the ideal environment that balances the passion and wisdom of the employees from different generations. The Company is ever learning and growing with the aim of improving and progressing according to the age of time and society. The Company strives to build that connection with every employees to ensure that voices are heard and at the same time expectations are also balanced out without prejudice but with the aim of building people as the Company believes that its assets are its people.  

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Our People

      We strive to achieve the best for our customers from our production up until our retail services. Our people are trained to achieve and perform with high integrity and due diligence.       

Prof. CocoAlex

Founder of the Company

Company Benefits

Group Insurance

We provide insurance coverage of personal accidents for all employees. Terms & conditions apply.

Free Parking

We provide free parking options for all employees.

Company Products Entitlement

Our recent and notable Spacelift products are freely available for employees. Terms & conditions apply.

Career Advancement on a Global Scale

We have an extensive global network in its products that provides avenues for ambitious talents for international exposure.

Collaborative Work Environment

We believe in working together to achieve success together. Every voices matters!

Performance Based Bonuses and Increments

We believe in rewarding our people rightfully according to unprejudiced metric systems. Everyone stands a chance for competitive and lucrative rewards

Our Address

21, Jalan 15/23, Seksyen 15, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

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