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Esco Frigaid Sdn Bhd

Esco Frigaid Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Esco Frigaid Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Esco Frigaid Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
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Our Story

Esco Frigaid PTE LTD is the sole distributor of Frigaid® and Zeta Power System, two unique energy-saving solutions for industrial HVAC systems in Southeast Asia. Based in Singapore and Johor Bahru.

ESCO FRIGAID is committed to being a premier energy saving solution provider mainly for HVACR (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration) systems, cooling towers, RO systems and etc., with our world-class unique and unparalleled solutions which are environmentally friendly and 100% safe on operation.

Trust Based Culture


Our mission is to deliver our unmatched energy saving solutions to industries and buildings which consumes high energy through the provision of our highest standards of quality products and technically sound services. We have experienced technical team, uphold the concept of providing GREEN energy saving solutions at all times. We also insist on creating a win-win business philosophy with the pursuit of business continuity and growth, and stay as the industry pioneer in the GREEN energy sector.

Company Benefits

Yearly Bonus

Yes, with great work comes great rewards!

Travel, Parking & Meal Allowance

Miscellaneous allowances for Travel, Parking & Meals.

Work-Life Balance

Maintain a healthy work-life balance with flexible scheduling options.

5 Days Work

5 days work per week.

Excellet Career Growth

Dealing with world-top monopolized technologies with excellent career growth opportunity.

Our Address

45, Jalan Kebun Teh 1, Larkin, 80350 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

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Engineering - Chemical Engineering
Engineering - Electrical Engineering
Engineering - Mechanical Engineering

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