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Excelerate Asia

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Excelerate Asia company environment picture 1
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Our Story

Who We Are


Empowering people and organisations with future skills that are vital to thriving in an evolving work and business landscape.

Excelerate is a skills transformation organisation that equips workforces with future skills. 

We assess skills needs, curate learning solutions, and deliver effective training experiences. 100+ Malaysian public and private sector organisations have trusted us to upskill and reskill their talents and we’ve helped 4,000+ individuals build vital skills at all professional levels, boosting their job relevance and employability. 

We believe skills are vital to thriving in an evolving work landscape.


Our Values

Our mission is to empower people to pursue rewarding work, and to empower organisations to perform through their people.

  • Put People First - People are at the heart of all that we do - learners, clients, and colleagues. Empathise with them, build trust-based relationships with them, and empower them to succeed. Their success is our success. 
  • Unleash Potential - We are a learning organisation. We have twin obligations:
    (1) Help others be their best selves - support them to realise their potential and grow through distinctive learning journeys.
    (2) Grow to achieve your own fullest potential. 
  • Be Open - Openness enriches us as an organisation and as individuals. Be open - volunteer opinions, be generous with feedback, share learnings, and be your authentic self. Encourage and celebrate the openness of others too. 
  • Aim High - We hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism and professional impact. We will sometimes fall short of the bar. When that happens, we help each other up, learn and persevere. Once we clear that bar, we raise it.  
  • Know Your Why - Each of our actions should have a clear ‘why’ - our organisational objectives, a learner’s career goal, a client’s business challenge, your personal sense of purpose, or all of these. Meaningful work that delivers results begins with ‘why’. 



Company Benefits

Career development

Pursue a career you love and grow your passion with the support you need, only at Excelerate!

Professional team players

Join our team of thought leaders, educators, and industry experts as we drive the digital transformation and future skills of the workforce.


We embrace all kinds of talents - whether you're looking for full time, part time, instructor, or internship roles, we've got it all!

Our Address

8, Jalan Damansara Endah, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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