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Our Story

About Us

Fave is one of Southeast Asia's leading fintech platforms; providing a smart payment app for the smart generation of consumers to pay & save. Fave also empowers offline businesses to grow and digitally connect with their customers in a whole new way. Fave is on a mission to maximise joy & value in every shopping experience and accelerate the offline world’s transition to the digital economy.
Fave currently operates in 35 cities across Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Fave has launched in India in September 2021.
If being a part of a digital revolution in the fastest-growing region in the world excites you, get in touch today!

Our People

      The Product & Engineering team is made up of great individuals coming from different backgrounds and skillsets. They're all curious, they're all passionate. Most importantly, they have fun while getting things done.      


Senior Lead Engineer

      The hustling mindset (in the Business Development team) is they're always hungry, the energy level is always very high. And as a team, they're always thinking, "OK, there's a new thing, new product, new initiative, how do we add value? How do we grow this?"      


Head of Business Development

      I think in a startup it's very important to hire someone who is versatile, as there are a lot of uncertainties. We look for someone who is willing to work here, and is willing to accept the challenge and grow from it, and can be versatile and maneuver around those uncertainties to get clarity.      

Khuan Yew

Head of Products, Merchant

Our Address

No 8, Suite 28-1, Level 28, Vertical Corporate Office Tower B Bangsar South City, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200 Kuala Lumpue

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