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Goodnite Sdn Bhd


Our Story

Company overview


The Goodnite® brand was established in 1989 with one mission in mind — to offer better, healthier sleep to customers with its mattresses. The brand believes that a good-night sleep is the key to healthier living.

The Goodnite® name is recognised for its comfortable sleeping assurance, which makes Goodnite® a trusted name for generations.

Today, the organisation has established itself as one of the top three leading bedding manufacturers in Malaysia. Goodnite® focuses in investing in industry’s best technology to help customers achieve better, quality sleep. Its commitment, quality and service have been the driving forces behind its star-studded line-up of mattresses and other bedding products.

In fact, Goodnite's already the trusted name thoughout generations. With our expansion to the north and south region of Malaysia, our team of more than 150 employees services more than 1,200 dealers nationwide to provide you superior comfort.
We keep reaching out because we believe that everyone deserves that well-rested sleep for a healthy start to their every day.

Company Culture

We have a creative and innovative corporate culture that helps our employees thrive. We are confident that we can offer a range of opportunities to meet your individual needs and goals. We take both your professional and personal development seriously, supporting you in carving out your own individual career path. Being a growing and aspiring work group, we are closed to each other, creating a harmonious work environment.

We are always on the lookout for bright, hardworking individual to join our growing team.

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Goodnite Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Goodnite Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Goodnite Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
Goodnite Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
Goodnite Sdn Bhd company environment picture 4

Company Benefits

Staff price purchase.

Staff price purchase for Goodnite products.

Team building/Annual Dinner

Strengthen team bonds and celebrate achievements at our annual team building and dinner events.

Bonus Salary and Increment

Based on Performance Appraisal

Flexible Working Environment

Fun, Dynamic & Flexibility. Annual Leave and Public Holiday observe for Selangor state.

EPF/Socso/EIS contribution.

Medical Benefits. EPF/Socso/EIS contribution.

Our Address

Lot 1249, Jalan Kapar, Batu 15, 42200 Kapar, Selangor, Malaysia

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Sales - General Sales
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