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Our Story

About Us

H Space is a co-working space tailored to connect professional and creative services providers to entrepreneurs and business owners.

With intimate knowledge and experience of both, we provide exactly what each side wants in a well-designed space optimized for synergy and collaboration. A balanced mix of professional and social events forms a tight-knit community where culture and balance are valued above all else. 

We’re here to make bad offices a thing of the past. Our combined backgrounds in real estate, architecture, design and entrepreneurship came together with a crystal clear goal— To change the way Malaysians work, for the better.

Our Core Values

  1. Be curious. -- Listen. Explore. Empathise. Stand in other people’s shoes. Curiosity opens up worlds and possibilities as it is a key trait for designers and innovators.
  2. Be fearless. --There is always a way to overcome obstacles. Have the courage to dream big and chase after your ambitions. Don’t let obstacles or problems slow you down, creating a fear of responsibilities. Be fearless and embrace challenges.
  3. Never assume. -- Every time an issue or a problem occurs, it’s always because somebody made a wrong assumption somewhere. Checking assumptions, verifications and confirmations are the key prerequisites for a predominantly remote team that works independently—and that’s us. 

Our People

      My favourite thing about working in H Space is definitely the people. We meet a lot of people, we learn from them. Most of them are actually bosses in the companies. They're sharing their experiences with us, so we learn from them.      

Darren Wong

Operations and Community Executive

      In H Space, what you get is the opportunity to work very independently. We will let you do your best on your own and in doing so we need people who are not afraid to be themselves but also be very resourceful and independent.      

Alex Tee

Founder & Director

      Our team gets to attend a lot of free workshops because we work with a lot of partners to hold workshops and events. So they get the opportunity to learn a lot from these events.       

Florence Chee


Company Benefits

Fun working environment

Comfortable + fun working environment & social activities

Social events

Chance to attend social and networking events on our behalf

Exposure to meet diverse range of people

Exposure and opportunities to meet and work together with a diverse range of individuals, startups and SMEs.

Development programs

We invest heavily in staff training and development programs.

Sales incentives

Attractive targets-based sales incentives.

Free flow coffee & tea

Unlimited free beverages are provided in the office.

Our Address

8, First Ave, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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