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Hida-Yeat Sdn Bhd

Hida-Yeat Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Hida-Yeat Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
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Our Story



Originated in Borneo, HIDA-YEAT specialises in resort wear, accessories and fragrances.
Taking its success beyond borders, the brand expanded its presence in Kuala Lumpur and was launched during the Malaysia Fashion Week 2018.
HIDA-YEAT’s ready-to-wear collections feature realistic motifs of nature on its fabric that are light and vacation-friendly. Its range of accessories are designed with an exquisite touch of new-old charm while its fragrances capture the fresh notes of Borneo herbs and spices.

Our Values

HIDA-YEAT’s ready-to-wear collections feature realistic motifs of nature on its fabric that are light and vacation-friendly. Its range of accessories are designed with an exquisite touch of new-old charm while its fragrances capture the fresh notes of Borneo herbs and spices.

Company Benefits

Super Fun Company Trip

Team Bonding activities on quarterly basis and also annual Company Trip will be given to all confirmed/permanent staff

Company Mobile Phone

We provide our staff a latest smart Phone

Medical Insurance

Our company cares about your health. Your overall well-being is of importance to us. A healthy employee is a productive employee.

Gen Y and Gen Z

We are young at heart with many Gen Y and Z staff

Attractive Remuneration

An attractive remuneration, allowance and commission structure that rewards hard work and dedication

Great Exposure

Great exposure and connections in the fashion & lifestyle events. eg: Fashion shows.

Our Address

263, Jalan Kip 4, Taman Perindustrian Kip, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia

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