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I Concept

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Our Story


I Concept is a multidisciplinary digital agency that started in 2008 with an altruistic dream of delivering extraordinary results to our clients. Today, we have achieved the results that clients desire and businesses aspire. Blending creativity, innovation and strategy have driven us to success. We have served SMEs, MNCs and GLCs across Malaysia, Singapore and beyond the APAC region. Helping our clients' brands stand out and thrive is our passion, while customer experience (CX) remains our core.


If you are as passionate, curious and empathetic as we are – WELCOME ABOARD! With over a decade of know-how in the industry, we constantly seek creative talents who can solve problems through their work. Honesty and transparency are our best policies if you want to blend in like the wind. Being a part of us means believing that magic will happen. So bring your A-game and show us what you've got!

Company Benefits

More Benefits

Want more? Be a part of us!


Mouth itchy while working? Make yourself at home. Treat yourself to some snacks and drinks on the house.

Flexi Claim

The longer you are with us, the more flexible your claims are. This is where loyalty stands the test of time.

Special Incentives

Performing well? Great! We reward our people based on their performance. A happy company makes a happy employee.

Career Advancement

Blend in and you will learn to be the best. Develop your skillset and thrive with us along the way.

Company Laptop

No device to work with? No worries. We've got you covered so you can work in peace.

Our Address

B-01-01, Garden Shoppe One City, Jalan USJ 25/1A, 47650 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Our Jobs

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Creative - Graphic Design
Creative - UI / UX Design

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