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INFOMINA BERHAD company environment picture 1
INFOMINA BERHAD company environment picture 1
INFOMINA BERHAD company environment picture 2
INFOMINA BERHAD company environment picture 3

Our Story

About Us.

INFOMINA BERHAD an entity listed on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, is a reputable leading technology enabler in the region, setting the pace for providing cutting-edge strategic technology solutions, fostering empowerment, and elevating the business community.

We leverage over 15 years of experience in streamlining enterprise business processes, modernising applications, and offering indispensable mission-critical support alongside comprehensive end-to-end managed operations.

Renowned for our mastery in mainframe technology solutions, we also customised solutions across diverse technological landscapes. Mainframes are the backbone for critical large-scale, real-time applications, serving the needs of substantial data processing and transaction execution.

Operating through subsidiaries, we primarily conduct business across Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and now, Japan as a recent addition. Our expansive clientele spans the private and public sectors, representing a tapestry of industries


Our Mission.

Our aim is to work together with our partners and customers and paying the utmost attention to the details and quality of work, paired with years of IT experience from our team, and ensuring the success of the projects. Our priority is to help our business partners evolve their business in the challenging arena of providing IT solutions. We believe Your Growth is Our Success. Our goal is to help you.


Company Benefits

Work-Life Balance

Enjoy your time with our great work-life balance benefits, whether it's needing hybrid or FlexiHour, we got it!

Medical Benefits

You can get medical coverage as an employee!

Career Growth Opportunity

At Infomina, we encourage our employees to grow out of their shell and improve their technical and learning skills!

Our Address

KL Eco City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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