Our unique approach is our integrated, research-driven approach which is supported by top investment professionals. We achieve broad domain expertise by combining a private company focus with public equity analysis. Relative to traditional approaches, this approach
enables Intelligent Capital to add unique value as an investor through;
• Superior industry expertise
• Broader and deeper network of industry contacts
• Deeper understanding of institutional investor community
• A longer-term perspective on company development - well beyond IPO
Frequently, we are the lead investor to our portfolio companies. In some cases we are the sole venture investor or we may join other venture capital firms, corporate partners and/or founding investors.
Deep Portfolio Company Involvement
Intelligent Capital brings expertise in technical, managerial and strategic issues directly through our investment professionals. These include Principals and Analysts with years of experience, technology partners with specialized knowledge and Advisors with backgrounds that orient them to helping to build portfolio companies rather than
chasing the next deal.
We help companies establish highly profitable leadership positions in growing markets. Intelligent Capital works closely with its portfolio companies in many areas including;
• Business model
• Strategy
• Recruitment
• Sales and marketing
• Corporate development
We build relationships between portfolio companies with their customers, partners and analysts. We welcome lively and challenging discussions throughout and beyond the whole of the investment lifecycle.
Typical Instruments
Typical Intelligent Capital investments will take the form of the following instruments;
• Convertible preferred shares
• Convertible debt
Timeframe Of Investments
Typically, we seek to exit an investment within 5-7 years of our initial investment. However, that does not mean that we take a short-term view of investments. Our approach is to help build companies and any exit strategy will always take that perspective into consideration.
Exit Strategy
Our major emphasis is on capital gains. We seek capital gains through the sale or public offering of the portfolio company.