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Invite Communications Sdn Bhd

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Invite Communications Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
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Our Story

The Cloud Communication Company.

Invite Communications was formed with the purpose to address the increasing demand of the Cloud based communication needs.

We target all sizes of companies throughout our region and market. We sell our products through resellers, wholesale carrier program and cloud operators.

Invite's mission is to enable the best of cloud communication solution to everyone.

Our Core Values

Customer Satisfaction

We understand that our customers are the reason for our success. We delight in going above and beyond expectations by creating valuable experiences and providing the best product and quality.

Data Drive / Analytic

We consistently strive to learn and derive new ways to address challenges by utilizing data. we treat data as an asset in our strategic initiatives and to guide us to meaningful actions.

Happy Team

We make an effort to ensure every employee feels valued through honest and respectful communication. we recognize achievements and provide guidance for improvements.


We are committed, passionate and resilient to deliver our value through performance, product and service quality.


We are accountable, open and responsible in all that we do. We learn from mistakes and we prioritize earning our employees’ and customers’ trust.

Company Benefits

Yearly Trip

Break away with exiciting trips to also foster greater relationship.

Quarterly Activities

Everyone got chance to lead and arrange for team building activities of their choice.

Monthly Bonus

Monthly bonus or incentive for everyone when the company hits target.

Fun & Engaging Culture

There’s always an event coming up, so employees have something to look forward to.

Five-day Workweek

Get refreshed with more rest days, save fuel costs and improved job satisfaction.

Strong Team Spirit

Friendly team members that want everyone to do well and to be the best.

Our Address

31-1, Jalan Op 1/1, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47160 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

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