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Leadeus Advisory

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Leadeus Advisory company environment picture 1
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Our Story

Help you get the most out of Life!

is an upcoming leader in insurance and asset management, in Malaysia,

as one of the fastest growing insurance companies in Malaysia and leader in providing solutions to individuals and businesses in all areas – Will & Trust, Investment, Mortgage and Wealth Management.

Your Right Place!

At LEADEUS, we believe better lives are possible when people believe in themselves. Our brand promise, "Building Leaders, Securing Future" fuels the belief that your better life is within reach. We protect people when things go wrong and we encourage things to go right. The essential driver to achieve this is our people. LEADEUS strives to be the responsible employer, by placing employee engagement at the heart of its business strategy. We create a workplace built on LEADEUS values, which foster diversity and equal opportunities for all, promote employee participation, encourage professional development and support employee well-being.

Our People

      When you join us, we feel that we have the responsibility to make you a successful person. Besides that, we're also building leaders as our name is Leadeus. We want each and every one of you to reach a manager position or even higher, and also recruit your own team to secure your own passive income in the future.      


Business Development Director

Company Benefits

Teamwork & Supportive

Teamwork makes the DREAM WORK!

Grow Professionally

Train by Experienced Professional.

High Income Potential

The more efforts, the more you will get!

Our Address

6, Jalan Gelenggang, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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