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LERA SDN BHD company environment picture 1

Our Story

Redefining Space

Great work & living spaces are critical to success, as they help cultivate an atmosphere of productivity or leisure - they set the tone for you or your organisation, invite people into a collaborative environment, and radiate the vibrant modern ambience, that appeals to, and attracts people and talent. 

Perfect spaces also enhance branding by creating a cohesive, professional image of the corporate. Well-designed layouts and homogenous use of colours and styling can help reinforce brand identity and values, creating a positive image which is aligned with your vision and mission. 

At LERA, we help take the mystery out of the process by breaking it down into a series of painless, clear and manageable steps. We blend our years of experience with clients in thousands of diverse environments, to bring you simple choices. This we achieve through use of design elements such as colour schemes, shapes, sizes, lines, curves, materials, lighting, and interior mood. We take into full consideration the specific needs of the occupants and how the space will be utilized. The balance that we strike takes these and the overall goals of the organization to bring together both aesthetics and functionality. 

Our objective is to Redefine Space, and we found this upon our 3 major pillars, “Individuality, Craftsmanship, and Versatility." 

Starting our humble beginnings in 2019, but with more than 30 cumulative years of industry experience between our key individuals, we are etching our brand on the map, one furniture at a time.

Team work makes the Dream work

As industry standards go, we are a young company but rapidly expanding and looking for new talent to join us on our journey. 

Our work is face-paced and time sensitve yet rewarding, with the team working cohesively to meet the requirements of the projects. Yet after the toil, we find the time to engage in activies outside of work to take the edge off and foster cohesiveness. 

Communications here are a two way street, from the most junior team member to the head honcho. 

Company Benefits


General Medical Claim Benefit.

Company Sponsored Activities

Activities range from company wide excursions, sports activities and meals.

Our Address

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