At LF Logistics, our culture is driven by the INSPIRE values, and these values guide us to greatness.
Innovation. LF Logistics is a leader – in thought and in execution. We dream. We design. We get things done. Our relentless pursuit of thinking differently is at the heart of everything we do. What stroke of genius have you had today?
Nimbleness. We are always on our toes, ready to roll. We forecast, adapt and offer solutions to meet the constantly changing horizon. As time speeds forward and the world gets flatter, we stay ahead of the curve – shaping trends, maximizing opportunities and thriving in uncertainty, all the while saying, “Bring it on!”
Simplicity. If it doesn’t add value, cut it. Enough said.
Productivity. It’s not just about doing it, it’s about doing the right things right. Execute flawlessly. Deliver in full and on time. That’s our business. It’s the way we bring satisfaction to our customers who count on every link in our chain operating at its peak.
Initiative. Take action, seize opportunities and solve problems. Go the extra mile. By doing that little bit more, we keep our customers happy.
Reliability. Think about your absolute favorite pair of jeans. They always look and feel great. You trust them to do their job, so you can do yours. We’re like that. When we say yes, consider it done. That’s a promise.
Engagement. We foster a workplace where people feel valued and understand how everyone’s work impacts the bottom line. When you have a question, ask. You’ll be heard. When you have an answer, share it. Spread your knowledge. Be engaged and engage others.