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Liquidhub Sdn Bhd

Liquidhub Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Liquidhub Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Liquidhub Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
Liquidhub Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
Liquidhub Sdn Bhd company environment picture 4

Our Story

Revolutionizing Business: Seamless Communication, Engaged Customers and Digital Innovation

As pioneers in the realm of hybrid work, Liquidhub stands at the edge of innovation, unceasingly driving productivity and efficiency regardless of geographical boundaries. 

We shape the sphere of Hybrid Tech, relentlessly striving towards reducing operational costs while amplifying the reach of organizations globally.

Our mission - a simple yet profound endeavor - is to embolden businesses, reinforcing their foundations with our Hybrid Tech solutions. 

Delving into the operational conundrums of staff efficiency, productivity, and overall management, Hybrid Tech is designed to counter and conquer. Its affordability ensures a seamless transition, circumventing potential financial hurdles.

Navigating the terrain of implementation is as smooth as a summer's breeze, ensuring uninterrupted business operations. Its potential stretches beyond tangible boundaries by bolstering the presence of businesses through virtual telephone numbers.

With the race for talent becoming increasingly competitive, Hybrid Tech emerges as a beacon of attraction. Promising the integration of far -located talents, it caters to the aspirations of the new-age workforce - Gen Y and Gen Z - ensuring not just attraction, but also retention.

In essence, Liquidhub serves as a conduit between the potential of Hybrid Tech and the success of organizations, bridging the gap towards a more efficient, productive, and global business landscape.

Liquidhub Culture Framework

At the core of our company's ethos lies an empowering mantra — "Believe in Yourself, Nothing is Impossible, I M POSSIBLE!" This motto shapes our unique culture, cultivating an environment where achievements are celebrated, efforts are rewarded, and boundaries are consistently pushed.

Celebration forms an essential aspect of our culture, where each team achievement is rightfully recognized. Rewards and incentives are promptly evaluated and dispensed, reinforcing a performance-centric environment. We also believe in compassionate accountability, where underperformers are given fair opportunities to improve, or transition smoothly.

Our quest for excellence is underpinned by an unwavering commitment to integrity. We staunchly discourage toxic politics and dishonesty. Any contraventions are met with firm action, including issue of show cause letters, and a third and final warning that could lead to dismissal.

Camaraderie is fostered through our regular team celebrations, such as monthly gatherings for employees celebrating their birthdays. To keep the motivational flame ablaze, we plan to introduce a Performance Incentive Fund in 2024, opening doors to exclusive dinners or rejuvenating team getaways.

Learning forms the backbone of our culture, which is why we have instituted 'Best Practice Fridays.' These sessions see participation from senior executives, highlighting and learning from individuals who have showcased exceptional performance, be it through impactful meetings, compelling proposals, or secured wins.

We also encourage healthy competition with 'Competitor Switch-outs,' a company-wide recognition for individuals who expertly sway clients from our competitors. In essence, our culture encompasses resilience, recognition, continuous learning, and above all, the spirit of camaraderie.

Company Benefits

Medical expenses

Claimable medical expenses incurred by you, your spouse and children.

Travelling expenses

Claimable expenses incurred such as mileage, parking, toll, roaming charges, hotel accommodation, directly in relation to the job duties.

Internet and mobile network

Claimable home internet broadband and mobile network services


Annual, Sick, Maternity and Bereavement Leave

Hybrid Work

We walk the talk - we are not only Hybrid Tech experts but passionate Hybrid Work practitioners!

Our Address

Unit Block G-10-6, SetiaWalk, Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, Selangor, 47160 Puchong

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