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Maria's Steakcafe

Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 1
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 1
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 2
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 3
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 4
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 5
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 6
Maria's Steakcafe company environment picture 7

Our Story

Who We Are

Maria's Steakcafe is a western restaurant that specializes in serving tantalizing beef steaks. Our first outlet in Ipoh has been around for 22 years. Currently, we have a total of 5 outlets; 1 in Ipoh and 4 in Klang Valley. We go by the tagline "Nothing fancy, simply good food". It's about truly loving good food. When you walk in, we strive to put a smile on our customers face by exceeding expectations in the quality of our food and in our heart-warming yet professional service. Hence, nothing fancy, all we want is for every customer to indulge in a true taste experience.

Our Culture

We always believe that no man is an island. Every company is as good as its people. We respect, appreciate and learn from each other. We encourage open communication and transparency.

Our Core Values
Our team works efficiently. Every meeting is capped to an hour. Every goal is clearly defined. No time wasted. Hence, giving you time for work-life balance!

We strive for excellence, not perfection. We continuously improve our systems, our food and our service to strive towards perfection. We put our best effort into making Maria's a place where every customer leaves with a smile!

We believe in the growth of every individual. As part of the team, you are expected to pick up a new skill for your personal growth. Be flexible for changes. We just keep changing based on our new skills and knowledge. The sky is the limit here!

There is no one best way to meet our goals. There is always a better way and a different way or perhaps a way that no man has thought of before. Unleash your creativity!

If you also embrace these values, join us and be part of our dynamic team and contribute to our community's happiness by providing a true taste experience!

Company Benefits

Travelling & Parking Allowance

Travelling & Parking Allowance


Medical & Insurance Benefit

Growth and learning

Be a part of a community who supports each other to learn and grow everyday to be the best version of yourselves.

Cafe working environmnent

Co-working space? At Maria's, choose to work in any of our outlets for a change in environment!

Our Address

58, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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