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Mavens Concepts Sdn Bhd

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Mavens Concepts Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Mavens Concepts Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
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Our Story

About Mavens Concepts

Our quest to explore into the new enthralling world of storytelling, plus the desire to develop better brand images have brought us to expand our intent to explore new digital initiatives as well as to provide various integrated crafts to our clients.

Because we believe that:

~ Creativity comes from inspiration

~ Creativity requires diligence

~ Creativity evolves through time

And most of all:

Because we believe the essentials of today's creativity requires rejuvenation of philosophy in our crafts, which would eventually evolve into the creation of effective storytelling and the translation of work into greater results for our clients.

Which is why we have been consciously and constantly moulding ourselves to stay on the right track to become the Mavens in crafting distinct creative concepts, insights as well as ideas.

Our Daily Life

As we continue to foster a spirited ecosystem for our creative minds to thrive, we also have been ramping up efforts to notch up the vibrancy of our workplace so as to garner streams of fresh perspectives through our various working field-trips, as well as our in-house celebrations for each and every members of our close-knit team.

It is because we understand that every bit of contribution from each of us would mean a step closer towards accomplishments.

Hence, the spirit of inclusivity is the keyword at Mavens Concepts!

Our Address

Eco Santuari, 42500 Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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