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MediaCliQ Group

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MediaCliQ Group company environment picture 1
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Our Story

Our Culture

We believe that our differences help us grow and bring us closer to those who matter, and we prove this in our work. With the ability to combine solid strategies, creative solutions and innovative technology, we create a perfect blend of attention-worthy campaigns that help brands build and maintain an authentic relationship with their consumers.

About Us

MediaCliQ is a digital agency made up of different cliques of talented individuals specialising in their field and bringing their own uniqueness to the table to create one-of-a-kind work for our clients. 

Our People

      It can be a very stressful industry. You need to have a bit of patience and a bit of thick skin sometimes, but also determination to stick with it... It's challenging, but also very rewarding.      

Shaun Lou

Digital Account Executive

      We have a pretty open work culture here, in the sense that it doesn't matter whether you're a junior or a senior, you're given the space to speak up if you have an idea, even if it is a crazy idea.      

Bluey Lai

Front-End Developer

Our Address

L-5-10, No.2 Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont' Kiara, 50480 KL, Malaysia

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