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Megamix Sdn Bhd

Megamix Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Megamix Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Megamix Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
Megamix Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
Megamix Sdn Bhd company environment picture 4
Megamix Sdn Bhd company environment picture 5

Our Story

About Us

MEGAMIX SDN. BHD. commenced business in October, 1991. Our primary single objective is to be recognized as an excellent ready-mixed concrete manufacturer.

Megamix’s Corporate Philosophy or Common Shared Value amongst our personnel is Integrity in People, Products and Customer Services, all the way down the line.

To this end, Megamix exists to achieve.

Through years of disciplined training and practice, the management individuals in Megamix have developed a naturally strong commitment towards a 100% People Orientated and Customer Orientated Outlook.

This is proven throughout our history of 29 years by gaining recognition and respect from our competitors, customers, suppliers, bankers and people generally associated with the construction industry.

Our Values

Our Vision

We strive to be the market leader in ready-mixed concrete manufacturer distinguished for our reliable delivery service, consistent product quality and competitive pricing.

Our Mission

  1. To provide the best of services to our customers with superior quality products.
  2. To continuously improve on the production, quality control and technology of our products and production process.
  3. To establish and maintain strong relationship with our sub-contractors, suppliers and business associates.
  4. To provide our employees with job security and career advancement.
  5. To leave a positive heritage to the growth of our country and to respectfully value our environment and community.

Company Benefits

Annual Performance Bonus

Performance-based annual bonus, management approval needed.

Transport Allowance

Petrol and Toll charges fully compensated

External Training Subsidy

We frequently send our employees for fully-subsidised, HRDF Certified training programmes

Medical and Hospitalisation Leave

Up to 22 days medical leave and up to 60 days hospitalisation leave.

Our Address

C12/3, Block C, Pusat Perdagangan Taman Dagang, Jalan Dagang Besar, Taman Dagang, 68000 Ampang Jaya, Selangor

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