Food and Beverage
9 jobs
Mokky’s Pizza began as a passion project by Shahmi "Mokky," an engineering grad with a love for pizza. What started in a humble home kitchen, fueled by YouTube tutorials and big dreams, soon turned into a beloved brand. A bold move to Bukit Jelutong, paired with artisanal coffee, transformed the brand into a local favorite. Now, we have outlets in Subang Parade and Bukit Tunku, Kuala Kumpur with plans for a new location in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Mokky’s Pizza continues to serve up delicious pizzas, fresh coffee, and the joy of sharing great food. It’s more than a meal; it’s a story of friendship, passion, and determination.
Meals provided by the company.
We paid for your extra time in serving the best for our customers!
Stay loyal with us to get the increments.
We're thrilled to share our profits with you!
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