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MPL company environment picture 1
MPL company environment picture 1
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MPL company environment picture 4

Our Story

Malvern Pathology Labs [MPL] is a subsidiary of Australian Clinical Labs [ACL], a leading Australian pathology provider.

We support doctors, specialists and hospitals through innovative apps and technology built particularly to help manage patients’ health, quickly, efficiently and confidentially.   

Clinical Labs employs over 3,500 employees including more than 90 well respected and experienced pathologists. We service more than 90 public and private hospitals making Clinical Labs the largest provider of public hospital pathology and a trusted provider of choice to some of Australia’s leading private hospital groups.   

Based in Petaling Jaya, we operate a Data Entry team of over 300 people. The Data Entry team is responsible for ensuring critical patient testing and clinical information is available on time and to a very high quality. 

Employee Satisfaction

We believe that employee satisfaction starts with creating a supportive and inclusive environment where every employee feels welcome, no matter their personal or professional backgrounds. We are looking for candidates who are excited to nurture an inclusive environment and who will add to our incredible culture.” 

Company Benefits


Salary payment - 28th of every month

Statutory Contributions

EPF, Socso, EIS & HRDF - contribution as per the regulations stipulated in act.

Bonus & Increment

Annual bonus and annual increment - based on the company and employee's performance

Other allowances / benefits

New-born gift allowance, marriage gift allowance & Funeral donation.


AL, SL, HL, maternity leave, paternity leave, compassionate leave, marriage leave & all selangor public holidays.

Medical Benefits

Group term life, H&S, GP&SP and Dental and Optical coverage.

Our Address

Concourse Level, Menara Axis, No 2, Jalan 51A/223, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

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