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Our Story

Global food giant with a local focus

We are the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company, with a global footprint that employs more than 335,000 employees in over 150 countries. We are the largest Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company in Malaysia, with over 5000 employees, 6 factories across Malaysia, and our head office in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Enhance quality of life

Play a worthwhile, impactful role in getting 8,500 brands and 10,000 products out to the world to meet the nutritional needs and wants of people everywhere, every day.

  • Deliver Good Food, Good Life to the world, as we develop your talents
  • Work for the greater good, as you nurture a well-rounded career in every way

At Nestlé, we firmly believe that our people hold the key to our continuing success. Recognizing talent, developing our employees, managing their careers for long term growth and rewarding performance accordingly, are all part of our commitment to our people.
Join us, and you will soon discover there’s more to like, and more to life, at Nestlé.

Our People

      We are operating as a network organisation, no one person can do things on their own. We work in a wider group, external functions as well to help you achieve the task given. The whole trust, respect involvement, pride and commitment is also a key value that all Nestle employee's carries which actually makes us work better together as one family.       

Su Yen & Shahzad Umar

Business Executive Officer & Head of Human Resources

       We get to take charge of our own careers in Nestle and we have to be proactive about it. Even though mentors, bosses and managers are important for your career growth if you show the interest and adaptability in things and definitely people will see your potential and you will be able to grow your career that way and that's how I am able to move from my previous department to marketing department.        

Angeline & Murni


      We have the opportunity and the advantage of being exposed to different areas and places that help us see things from different perspectives.       

Shaza, Adrian, Aizat

HR Management Trainee, Sales Management Trainee, Sales

Company Benefits

Take charge of your career

You’ll also gain invaluable insights into the core workings of a world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company.

Go as far as you like

Our place in the global business arena ensures you of excellent learning and advancement opportunities in every way, including overseas postings.

Good Food Good Life

Our mission is to bring Good Food,Good Life to all.Your work plays an important role in getting our brands into the lives of people everywhere.

Flexi Benefit Scheme

Allows you to choose your coverage based on your needs and enjoy reimbursement of flexi point for wellness, travel, technology and other items

Be great for us

You’ll continue to build on your skills and knowledge through excellent on-the-job training, mentoring as well as local and International Trainings.

Great benefits

You will be enjoying benefits like : Interest free car loan Staff purchase

Our Address

Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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