OK Yau & HowYong PLT

Our Story

Our Story

OK YAU & HOWYONG found in Kuala Lumpur and is supported by a strong and competent service team and partners. We are committed to providing a personalized approach for all our clients. People are all important to OK YAU & HOWYONG, and in all our dealings the relationships are as important as the projects themselves. This means that it is our knowledge and appreciation of our clients' business environment that really matters. Our relationships with clients are flexible and personal which allows us to react fast, focus our attention on a problem, and provide a tailor-made solution. Please visit our website at www.okyauhowyong.com

Product & Services

We provide business advisory services, in addition to our core audit and tax advisory services. These services are provided by well qualified and experienced teams of partners, directors and staff with diverse backgrounds in the practice as well as in industry, commerce and the public sector.

Our Distinctive Culture

At OK YAU & HOWYONG, we enjoy and value working closely with our clients, developing and growing alongside each other - such distinctive culture allows us to always ensure we deliver total client satisfaction.

Our work approach is designed such that work is carried out to a consistently high professional standard. Underlying our approach to quality and professionalism are OK YAU & HOWYONG's fundamental principles of diligence, efficiency and objectivity.

We will ensure that our work is carried out economically by concentrating our efforts on the matters and issues, which are significant.

Company Benefits

Group PA Insurance

Group Personal Accident insurance

Miscellaneous allowance

Such as meal allowance for working overtime and outstation allowance when an outstation assignment requires


Staff training to upgrade knowledge and skill sets

Education support

Support provided to employees in pursuing Professional Qualifications

Professional practical experience support

Professional practical experience support

Our Address

38E-3, Jalan Radin Anum, Bandar Baru Seri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.