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Peidz Penang Student Hostel

Peidz Penang Student Hostel company environment picture 1
Peidz Penang Student Hostel company environment picture 1
Peidz Penang Student Hostel company environment picture 2
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Peidz Penang Student Hostel company environment picture 4

Our Story

What is PEIDZ

Peidz Founders have extensive 25 years of experience in Construction & Interior Design for numerous 5-star hotels, transferring hotel hospitality and comfort into hostel practicality.

PEIDZ (pronounce ‘Page’), a modern USM hostel and Georgetown hostel is strategically located to provide modern student residence along Jalan Lim Lean Teng; which is less than a 5-minute walk to Han Chiang High School, Han Chiang University College, and Han Chiang Primary School, and to the surrounding facilities such as Penang Digital Library I and II, convenience shops and food and beverage outlets such as McDonald’s and KFC and many others affordable local food all within walking distance. 

Why Choose Us

Peidz is Custom-Designed Hostel for Georgetown students.

Peidz takes pride in being co-caretakers as a joint guardian for the children and youth, whom are studying and away from home.

Our Address

4 - 10, Jalan Lim Lean Teng, 10460 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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