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Perk Idea Sdn Bhd


1 jobs

Perk Idea Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1

Our Story

What We Do

We are a brand marketing agency that specialises in Brand & Identity, Campaign Conceptualisation & Execution, Digital Marketing Solutions, Exhibition Management and Event Management. We have been actively serving clients for more than a decade, across 4 continents, with a total of 800 projects and counting. Our mission is to be the bridge for our clients to reach their business goals.

We are a TEAM

We are enthusiastic about what we do here, and we take great pride in each one-of-a-kind, amazing event that we have created as a TEAM. 

Company Benefits


Trainings and development programmes that educates the team with industry knowledge, team bonding and personal growth.

Hybrid Working

We provides digital tools and ways of working needed to work effectively in a hybrid context when appropriate.

Sustainable Working Norm

Parental leave, maternity leave, paid time-off, annual leave, medical leave and bereavement.

Medical Coverage

Employee benefit of yearly medical claim.


Plenty of parking in the building and it's free!


We travel for work locally and internationally!

Our Address

Jalan Hospital, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia

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