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Plentisoft Sdn Bhd

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Our Story

About Plentisoft

Plentisoft is a fast-growing technology company specializing in developing house-owned SaaS (Software-as-a-Solution) products. In the past ten years, we have developed more than 20 different digital marketing and media newswire products, serving more than 100,000 customers globally across multiple markets including the United States, India, China, and many more.

We implement new technologies and we offer our team the opportunity to work on exciting projects. The technology we use today includes AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, Natural Language Processing, and more.

We want everyone to earn great experiences, grow exponentially, develop the best of their passion, and make a difference in this world together.

Learn more about our values and products here:

Why Join Us?

We believe we are here to serve and grow. We serve our clients, our community, and most importantly we serve & grow our people. We strive to create a work environment that is meaningful, fulfilling, and rewarding for you. As a Plentisoft team member:

  • You get to work on products that are used by thousands of people every day.
  • You get to work with the latest and newest web technologies.
  • You get to learn the most effective digital marketing strategies and tactics.
  • You will be additionally rewarded based on your merits.
  • Your achievements will be acknowledged and recognized in highlight sessions.
  • You get to participate in the strategizing and decision-making process.
  • You will have fun in our educational programs like Bi-weekly Sharing and Watch Parties.
  • You will learn about topics and knowledge outside of your scope.

If these sound like your things, let's talk.

Company Benefits

Child/Child Education Allowance

We want our next generation to live a better life, let us help you with their nursery and education need.

Rental/Housing Allowance

Property prices and rental prices are all-time high, why don't we make it easier for you?

Optical & Dental Allowance

Changing a new glasses or having a toothache? Get covered for your optical and dental need.

Medical Card Insurance Plan

Get medically protected and insured, have a peace of mind working with us knowing you are taken care of.

Ex-Gratia & Bonuses

Participate in our revenue performance sharing program and performance bonus every year. Yes, you heard that right, that's two bonuses in a year!

Casual Workplace

Ties and suits are great, but jeans and shirts are cooler don't you think?

Our Address

2-41, 3, Persiaran Anggerik Vanilla, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Our Jobs

Filter by Specialisation

Information Technology - Cybersecurity / Network Security
Information Technology - Data Science & Analytics
Information Technology - General IT
Information Technology - System & IT Helpdesk / Database Administrator

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