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REI Group of Companies

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REI Group of Companies company environment picture 1
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REI Group of Companies company environment picture 7

Our Story

About The Group

An organization is more than its bottom line. Facts and figures, although a convenient way to depict a company's success, don't show culture or character.
One must look further to a company's people, to its business culture, to its place and reputation in the market to be able to see the entire picture.

REI Group of Companies was established in 2007 by Dr. Daniele Gambero and Ms. Annie Chee Yit Fong. During our first 10 years we have been appointed as Exclusive Marketing and Sales Partners in more than 10 projects selling almost 4,000 properties

Our Mission & Vision

To inspire sustainable property development by connecting people to real estate with integrity, passion and fun while nurturing young talents to become future business leaders. To be the most successful, passionate, people-centric and customers-focused real estate services provider in the world.

To transform communities by providing professional real estate services and inspire young generations to work with passion and fun towards the achievement of their dreams.

Why join us?
Our Values
- To protect and openly communicate our Vision and Mission at all times.
- Professionalism: never compromise on it.
- Integrity: the only way a sustainable business is run.
- Willingness to give: the “Givers gain” philosophy, an extremely successful way to run a sustainable business by giving first.
- Knowledge: it surely matter what you already know, but most importantly, is your willingness to learn more and share your knowledge.
- Accountability & Responsibility: always be accountable for your actions and responsible for their outcome.
- Care: We are committed in always caring about each other wellbeing 
- Passion & Fun: we always do what we do because we want to and not because we have to.

Our Practices
REI Group is a people-centric successful business, therefore we are fully committed to invest in the biggest asset of them all, our team. Every single member of our family is an indispensable component of a perfectly-tuned engine and his or her training is vital to the success of the whole. Best training practices, respect, leverage on diversity, caring, rewarding, life enhancement, passion, and fun have always been the core values of REI Group. Full acceptance of constructive criticism and total freedom to express one’s ideas are practiced at all levels of our hierarchy.

Our People

People is the main resource and most valuable asset for REI Group’s successful growth. In our mission and vision statement, we declare our aim of impacting people’s lives. This is referred to both our REI Family members and our customers, being them developers or buyers. All members of our REI Family must be willing to share and embrace the Group’s core values and culture. REI Group practices full equality of given chances and treatment for man and woman, and will never compromise on this value.

Our Place
REI Group working space is designed to suit our culture of flat hierarchy, passion and fun. REI Group is a result-oriented enterprise, therefore we are driven by quality and not quantity. Our environment inspire fun, passion and flexibility which stimulate and enhance the performance of all our REI Family members.

Company Benefits

Learning Journey

Digital marketing is a fast changing tool which need continuous leaning through experience and external sources provided by the company.

Rewarding Remuneration

REI Group's revenue model is performance based. Our team earns proportionally to the contribution to the well-doing of the business.

Quality, Not Quantity

We strive to deliver the highest quality throughout our services. A flexible working environment allows a better quality of life to all our people.

Our Address

T3-10-11, 3 Towers, 296, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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