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Royal Relish

Royal Relish company environment picture 1
Royal Relish company environment picture 1
Royal Relish company environment picture 2
Royal Relish company environment picture 3

Our Story



"In 2000 AD, the founder Chen Hongbin's family established "Optical Valley Farm" in Yuanchang Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan. Optics Valley Farm is located in the Chianan Plain and Yunlin in Dazhen, Chianan. It is like the "Good Land of Canaan" mentioned in the Bible. It brings together pure mountain streams and fertile land and has become the most abundant agricultural production area in Taiwan. It has always been of good quality and Fresh and sweet fruits and vegetables are the pride of this place.

Royal Relish — Crown Chef Malaysia was established in 2019. It has copied Crown Chef’s complete system to Malaysia and is committed to opening up new business models for local catering companies, including the provision of sauces, cooking skills training courses and restaurant coaching programs. . Let every catering entrepreneur with dreams acquire new restaurant management skills, fly in Malaysia, a land with a large number of blank markets, and become a leader in catering enterprises.

Checkout our Website and Facebook to learn more about our company:


Continuous Improvement


"At our company, we believe in the power of continuous improvement. We are committed to fostering a culture of learning, innovation, and growth. We encourage our team members to seek new opportunities, embrace challenges, and constantly strive for excellence in everything we do. By valuing continuous improvement, we aim to adapt to change, refine our processes, and consistently deliver exceptional results to our customers and stakeholders.


Our Address

Bandar Sunway, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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