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SL Ling & Co

SL Ling & Co company environment picture 1
SL Ling & Co company environment picture 1
SL Ling & Co company environment picture 2
SL Ling & Co company environment picture 3

Our Story

Company Background

An established Chartered Accountant firm in Petaling Jaya offering professional audit and assurance, tax consultancy and corporate advisory services to clients from various different industries. We have been recognised as a one-stop professional centre for businesses own by local directors as well as investors from overseas. 

As we continue to progress and expand, we have various vacancies awaiting capable and responsible colleagues with commitment. In addition to the standard remuneration and benefit packages enjoy by the staff, we offer performance-based rewards, career advancement opportunities and overtime replacement leave. 

Join us and let us grow together

Company Culture

We offer 5-days week, harmonious and friendly working environment, wide exposure with relevant and in-depth experience, respectable and helpful colleague, attractive benefit and remuneration commensurate with qualification and experience. 

Our continuous business expansion has created vacancies at different levels in auditing, accounting & taxation. Career advancement opportunities are available for responsible and hardworking staff who possess positive attitude.

Company Benefits

Performance Based Reward

Based on performance and achievement of specific goals or targets

Annual leave and Leave in-lieu

Employees can take each year for personal reasons, relaxation, travel, or other non-work-related purposes.

Career Advancement

Moving up the hierarchical ladder and achieving higher levels of success and recognitions.

Education Support

Initiatives, and resources provided by company to assist employees in pursuing educational goals (Acca, MBA etc)


A gift, especially during special occasions such as Chinese New Year, weddings, birthdays, and other festive celebrations

Our Address

1122, 11th Floor, Block A, 1, Jalan SS 20/27, Damansara Intan, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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