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Strip - Ministry of Waxing

Strip - Ministry of Waxing company environment picture 1
Strip - Ministry of Waxing company environment picture 1
Strip - Ministry of Waxing company environment picture 2
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Our Story


STRIP: Ministry of Waxing was born in Singapore at a time when the local wax culture was, shall we say, medieval. With our new techniques and new experimented waxes, STRIP: Ministry of Waxing has seeded the beginnings of a wax revolution! We have successfully created a place for body culture that’s practiced safely, hygienically and painlessly. 

STRIP: Ministry of Waxing is the first international award-winning waxing boutique and has a hairless presence in 44 outlets in 11 major capital cities from Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta, Manila, Davao, Bangkok, Phuket, Mumbai, and Vietnam.  

In Malaysia, STRIP: Ministry of Waxing have EIGHT retail outlets located in top shopping malls in Klang Valley and Penang: KLCC, Avenue K, The Curve, Sunway Pyramid, Publika, Bangsar Village II, Mid Valley, and Gurney Paragon. 

STRIP, the intimate care specialist. We have pruned and waxed a staggering four million ladies and men. So fanatical are we that STRIP was the first salon to introduce the “No Double Dipping” commandment. We do it all while abiding by our HSQ mantra: Hygiene, Speed and Quality. We are also particularly famous for our secret-recipe lotions and wax formulations. In particular, our post-treatment care such as the TWO L(I)PS Ice, a soothing post-wax and post-AFT cream, and many more.

STRIP: Ministry of Waxing have only one mission in life - To help you conquer the body foliage and achieve that baby smooth wax factor


We value our people

Our Address

Unit 18-08, Level 18 Tower A, Vertical Business Suite, Bangsar South, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

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