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Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd

Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 4
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 5
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 6
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 7
Timeless Design (PG) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 8

Our Story

About Timeless Design


At Timeless Design, we have a passion for sophisticated modern design classics and cutting-edge products. Offering a complete lifestyle looks for your home and office with inspiring designs for every room, we feature products that are functional, stylish and utterly inspirational. At the heart of everything we do is the philosophy that furniture and design is best when it is simple, elegant and timeless.

We believe that great design is always about form, function and excitement.

Timeless Design provides easy access to well-designed furnishings traditionally found only in designer showrooms, our goal is simply to accelerate the way that design gets to the public and to take advantage of the most current technology in this process. Timeless Design serves businesses, design professionals, and retail consumers via an experienced sales team. 

We currently have 2 showrooms and offices in Malaysia: one each in Kuala Lumpur and George Town, Penang. 

Join Us Now!

  • Continuous training and career advancement
  • Open and positive working environment 
  • Opportunity for work exposure, exploration and experience
  • High achievement commision and remuneration package 

Company Benefits

Car Park

Free car park lots are allocated for all employees at the office premise

Medical Claim

Medical reimbursement and salary during sick leave are provided

PA Insurance

Insurance benefits are equiped for all permanent employees

Travel Allowances

Allowances are paid in advance or reimburse in respect of travelling expenses for business purposes

Training & Self Development

Professional and industry training are provided continuosly to all new and existing employees

Performance Bonus

Bonuses and incentives are given as a recognition and rewards for high performing staffs or teams

Our Address

37A&B, Lebuh Pantai, 10300 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

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