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Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd

Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
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Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 5
Venoms Solution (M) Sdn Bhd company environment picture 6

Our Story

What We Do

We are a company that specialized in telematics and Internet of Things (IOT). As part of the group business streamlining activities, VENOMS is established to focus on Fleet Management System and Applications. VENOMS targeted to give more value to customers as we are now focusing on the Fleet Management alone thru dedicated personnel's and larger pool of technology partners.

We are a customer-driven business. We research, identify and analyze customer requirements to ensure that we only offer products and services that will enhance the potential of your business.

At VENOMS we focus on providing user-friendly solutions for complex wireless applications involving Global positioning systems, GSM Communication network. Over the years, Venoms has built expertise in developing solutions for Vehicle Tracking System, Road Safety and Driver Behavior Management systems, In-vehicle Mobile DVRs that stream real-time video to your mobile devices, Fuel Monitoring Systems and much more.

Our goal is to provide cost-effective, best-of-breed wireless solutions to protect, manage and maximize your fleet and mobile assets. Our guarantee is that each device or service we offer is current, robust and reliable.

We invest significantly in research and development, identifying and applying rigorous testing to every product and service to ensure that they surpass existing benchmarks. Each application we offer has already measured up to our exacting standards. We tested all materials through customized process improvements. Conveniently recapitalize adaptive leadership before long-term high-impact functionalities. Completely incubate customer directed meta-services after economically sound imperatives. Distinctively evolve diverse applications for enterprise processes. Monotonically disintermediate functionalized solutions rather than progressive leadership.

Why Venoms

7 reasons we know why our customer chose us

  • Our Customers have chosen us for our in-depth knowledge of Telematics domain, Affordability of our solutions and most importantly our attitude towards Service and support.
  • Creator: VENOMS and its people think up, design, test, and develop all their Software applications from A to Z.
    Focus on our core business intelligence for Fleet Management: Providing accurate and real-time information on Fleet is our main strategy.
  • Complementarity of solutions: VENOMS proposes modules with complementary functions, but each business is free to use just one module on its own, according to its needs.
  • Business specific approach: As each business is unique, out solutions are packed with functions that can be parameterized by business sector. Open solutions that are interoperable with your existing business solutions and applications.
  • Experience: VENOMS has been integrating into its applications each technological development that has come about over the past ten years in order to get a jump on your mobility, scheduling, and management needs.
  • Functional upgrades: Frequent functional upgrades of VENOMS’s solutions that are done on line.
  • Partners: VENOMS partners with key technology providers and integrators to provide customers with the right and effective solution. Each one does what it does best for maximal added value.

Our Address

No. 41-2, Jalan Puteri 5/7, Bandar Puteri, 47100, Puchong Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

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