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Vistage Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Vistage Malaysia Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1

Our Story

Helping leaders succeed in business and in life

Vistage is known for its commitment to fostering leadership and business development through peer advisory groups. Vistage has a rich history and a strong presence in Malaysia. Founded in 1994 by successful businessman Richard CM Wong in Kuala Lumpur, Vistage Malaysia has grown into a thriving community of more than 1,200 members and over 60 Vistage Chairs. The members’ combined annual sales exceed RM90 billion with more than 130,000 employees. Vistage is the world’s largest CEO coaching and peer advisory organization for small to mid-size business leaders. We offer the most effective approach to achieve better results, grow your company faster, and maximize your impact as a leader. For more info, please visit 

Vistage Malaysia's Company Culture

  • Work-Life Balance: Vistage Malaysia tends to prioritize family time and personal commitments outside of work hours.
  • Diversity and Harmony: We strive for inclusivity and value diversity as a strength, fostering an environment where people from different backgrounds work together harmoniously.
  • Networking and Relationships: Building relationships and networking is crucial in Vistage Malaysia's business culture. Personal connections often play a significant role in business dealings and career advancements.
  • Commitment and Teamwork: Vistage Malaysia generally values commitment to tasks and teamwork. Collaboration and working towards collective goals are appreciated.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Vistage Malaysia's workplaces, like many others worldwide, have adapted to changes brought about by technology and globalization. There's an increasing emphasis on adaptability and flexibility in work practices.

In general, Vistage Malaysia cultivates an environment that encourages collaboration, continuous learning, and professional growth.

Company Benefits

Company Retreat

Yearly Company Retreat

Birthday Celebration

Monthly Birthday Celebration

13th Month Contractrual Bonus


Our Address

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