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Our Story

What We Do

Allianz Group was founded in 1890 in Germany. With approximately 147,000 employees worldwide, the Allianz Group serves more than 100 million customers in about 70 countries. 
With 32 branches in major cities nationwide, Allianz Malaysia aims to distinguish itself as the most trusted provider of financial services to suit the lifetime needs of Malaysians and at the same time, play a role as a responsible corporate citizen. 
Therefore, we are one of the top agency which under Allianz that have more than 200 staffs using our toolset to create their excellent career path over here.


Our Value

If you think insurance is unexciting, you will change your mind at Allianz. We bring the Allianz brand to life. That is why we enjoy sustainable growth and continuous success in what we do best in over 70 countries, serving over 75 million people all over the world. 
If you have the attitude, drive and passion for what you do, you can shape your future and seize your moment of truth by joining us. 
Join us in building the strongest financial community. 
Our vision is to gather up all the young energetic person which are aggressive to  become a strong team in the insurance market. 
If you think that you can be persistent, made a right choice by right here. 

Meet Our Team!

Our Address

1-3,2nd Floor, Jalan PJU5/9, Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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