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Zero Healthcare

Zero Healthcare company environment picture 1
Zero Healthcare company environment picture 1
Zero Healthcare company environment picture 2
Zero Healthcare company environment picture 3
Zero Healthcare company environment picture 4
Zero Healthcare company environment picture 5

Our Story

About us

 A story that inspired us to start and grow better everyday…
Zero Healthcare was established in year 2011, with only a single product - a leisure reclining chair to penetrate into the local market. It was not an easy path to start a business with a single product that was still new and strange to the market. However, with the persistence and belief, we were able to breakthrough by not giving up so easily and we managed to expand the business to a few other shopping malls nearby.
With the expansion, we had the opportunity to add on our product line with few other wellness equipment such as treadmills and electronic massager. We aimed to provide a more valuable choice of brand to our target consumers by providing quality yet affordable product.
In year 2012, we were selected to be one of the top excellent brands under the Asia Pacific Top Excellence Award 2012, and hence a proud recognition to our hard work.
In year 2018, 2019 and 2020, we have been recognised by few other reputable awards such as the Malaysia Health and Wellness Brand Awards 2018, the Golden Bull Award 2019, the Malaysia Book of Records with the Most Number of Treadmills Sold Online 2020, the Natural Health Reader’s Choice of Awards 2020, and The Best Brand of Brand Laureate Award 2021.
Back to a common question, why was it named as ‘Zero’?
‘Zero’ to us means nil, or started from scratch, from nothing. We always upheld the principle of being grateful and always remember the past experience of how we started from the ground. We would never know how high is the sky if we do not start walking, climbing, crawling from the ground.
Hence, we wanted to convey the message and influence others to be grateful of what they have achieved today. On the other side, we wanted to bring positive energy to the community by spreading the importance of being zero-stress and zero-illness in our daily life. Without the proper way to manage stress, we will suffer badly on the health concern without knowing it. Having regular exercise and through proper relief of stress using wellness approach are proven to be the best antidote of stress, anxiety, and depression.
We understood that we are imperfect in many aspects. Thus, we want to improve everyday on every part of our job. From sales consultant, to logistics, after-sale service, to customer service, all of these are our emphasis to improve on.
The story of us, started from you. Let us be your reliable shoulder to count on. And we want you to be a great part of our story.
Zero Healthcare will always be the trusted and reliable brand for you. A brand of a decade, and more to come…

Corporate Culture

 Quality & Customer First,
Loyal to the Organization & Team,
Team Work Defines All,
Hardworking and Always Improve to Bring the Best,
Love the Family, Respect the Team.
Budaya Korporat
Kualiti dan Pelanggan Diutamakan,
Setia kepada Organisasi dan Pasukan,
Kerjasama boleh Mengatasi Segalanya,
Kerajinan dan Sentiasa Bertambah Baik,
Kesayangan kepada Keluarga dan Hormat kepada Rakan Sekerja.

Company Benefits

Training Provided

sales account marketing admin etc.

Medical Bebefit

Medical Claim

5 working day a week

5 working day in a week

Training Provided

sales account marketing admin etc.

Fitness & Wellness Facility Provide

Gym Bike Treadmill Massage Chair etc.

Our Address

5 & 7, Jalan Gemilang 5, Taman Perindustrian Cemerlang, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia

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