Sales Management & Planning To formulate strategic sales plans by: - - Analyze market trends, competitors information, legal and regulatory developments and the corresponding impact on the bank (supplemented by analysis from Product Owners, Segment Strategy and Business Planning & Performance Management)
- Initiate and oversee the execution of business and marketing plans for respective branches.
- Institutionalize sales management routines i.e. sales meetings, goal setting, daily and weekly concall.
- Conduct sales training where required to ensure sales team are updated and informed of latest product information and sales effectiveness techniques.
- Ensure healthy cross-referrals amongst businesses i.e. Retail Broking Investment Lending (RBIL), SME Business, Alliance@Work etc
People & Productivity Management - Select, hire and orientate Branch Managers (BM) / PB Hub Managers and / or Customer Relationship Managers (CRM) and ensure adequate staff capacity to meet sales requirement in branches within cluster
- Provide regular coaching and follow up with Branch Managers and PB Hub Managers within cluster to uplift performance
- Capacity and resource management including leave planning during festive season for cluster level.
- Analyze sales performance and implement appropriate actions to improve performance, including productivity management of non-performers (BM/WEA/CRM/FSC) at cluster level
- Conduct formal performance appraisal (quarterly) and perform career planning for Branch Managers / PB Hub Managers within cluster (e.g. recommendation for promotion, training needs, internal transfers), including upskilling sales team through soft skill and personal development programme.
- Review and concur with Branch Manager/PB Hub Manager on staff promotions and performance appraisal of sales team at cluster level
- Retain performers (PH Hub Managers, BMs and CRMs) within cluster, and closely engage the team within cluster.
Franchise Building - Grow Privilege Banking (PB) customers at branches/hubs within cluster via active acquisition plan.
- Promote cross-referrals culture amongst businesses i.e. Retail Broking and Investment Lending (RBIL), SME Business, Alliance@Work in branches and hubs within cluster
- Increase customer stickiness by product penetration and higher product holding for AP and PB customers
Governance & Control - Ensure Branch Managers adhere to and enforce Alliance Bank’s policies and procedures, including credit control procedures, audit compliance and BNM guidelines
- Ensure sales related audit findings/lapses / gaps within cluster are fixed with no repetitive findings
- Ensure sales activities are compliance with Sales Compliance Framework and Group’s standards and regulatory requirements.
- Achieve NPS Score Index target.