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This job is for a Professor specializing in Smart Tourism & Technology/Digital Innovation. You might like this job because it involves teaching, research, and administrative tasks, along with a strong focus on academic and professional development.


Lakeside (8004), Selangor (2014), MY, Kuala Lumpur


Job Description


Teaching & Learning

  • Undertake teaching and teaching related duties such as design, preparation and development of teaching materials; conduct classes/lectures, tutorials and practicals; consultation with students, invigilation, marking and assessment
  • Participate and contribute in high quality programme and curriculum development
  • Plan and implement teaching strategies to optimise student learning as well as to motivate them
  • Support in research project work and scholarship of postgraduate students
  • Establish and maintain high standards of teaching and effective learning to meet the University’s teaching and learning expectations



  • Participate in scholarly activities, including undertaking research, conference presentation, journal publications and relevant community work
  • Support efforts to secure grants for research activities and scholarship as co-researcher
  • Achieve the specified set of research outcome targets for Professor level of appointment


Administration and Other Activities

  • Undertake and contribute in administrative responsibilities such as attending departmental meetings, participate in committees and working groups within the Department, School and Faculty
  • Participate in continuous relevant professional activities
  • Assist in establishing linkages with external organisations/ professional bodies in academic related matters



  • Possess a PhD from a recognised university in Tourism / Hospitality fields.
  • Candidate must have at least eight (8) years of experience in teaching / research / industry
  • Possess a strong publication record with at least 15-20 publications in C.I. journals (ISI, SCOPUS) in the last 5 years
  • Secured research grant(s) as a Principal Investigator worth RM150,000-RM200,000 (cumulative)
  • Graduated at least 4 PhD students
  • H-index of minimum 12
  • Possess at least 1 Intellectual Property (IP) in the form of patents, copyrights or trademarks
  • Experience working in higher education environment and a track record of teaching experience and professional knowledge of curriculum development or good record of professional experience with evidence of coaching and mentoring and a high quality of presentation skills
  • Experience in developing teaching methodologies and materials, including the effective use of IT technologies in the facilitation of teaching and learning
  • Experience working on research projects and activities or experience of professional practice/consultancy work, including evidence of appropriate outputs

Job Requirements

Company Benefits

Flexible Work Arrangements

Taylor's promotes a flexible work environment to help employees balance their professional and personal commitments.

Professional Development

The institution provides support for personal and career advancement, including opportunities for further studies and career progression.

Educational Benefits

Staff members benefit from education fee discounts and interest-free education loans, supporting their continuous learning and development.

Competitive Remuneration Package

Employees receive competitive salaries and benefits, including medical, optical, and dental coverage.

Conducive Working Environment

The college fosters a supportive and collaborative atmosphere, contributing to a pleasant work experience.

Additional Info

Company Activity

Last active - few hours ago

Company Profile

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Taylor's College

At Taylor's College, meeting students' expectations and needs has always been our top priority ever since our inception in 1969. Students can expect the best at Taylor's College in terms of star lecturers, quality classroom pedagogy, state-of-the-art facilities and awesome student experience. Overall, our contribution to the world of education globally has earned us many awards and accolades, inspiring us to carry...

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