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Our Story

Company Overview

Our Company was founded in January 2016 and provides comprehensive business and financial solutions for small & medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We specialize in a whole suite of services including company secretarial, accounting, SST compliance and financial due diligence.

While the firm has relatively short history, all our members have more than 10 years of experience in their respective specializations. Founding of Maximode is essentially an initiative to restructure our portfolio of services and manpower to serve our clients better.

Currently, we have numbers of dedicated staff including Chartered Secretary, accountants, managers, supervisors and junior associates in our offices to serve more than 700 private companies.

If any interested on joining us, please Apply via online / mail your resume to our Human Resource In Charge.

Why Join Us?

Our people are aiming:-

  1. To be an ideal workplace for all staff
  2. To be an ideal accounting and secretarial firms for our clients.
  3. To help the clients, staff and our organisation grow.

We are offering attractive remuneration package for our new joiners such as fitness benefit, flexi travel benefit, training from internal workshop or external seminars. For longer service staff, we will be having more exciting benefits like profit sharing bonus, flexi working hours, work-at-home arrangement. Besides, we will always consider the financial and non-financial needs for our employees for more improvement.

We demand for young, creative, passionate and discipline peoples to keep our firms growing. Beside, for people who are lacking of confidence, we are happy to inspires and motivate fresh graduates on your career planning.

We respect people in progress during their learning periods and people who give feedback to our company so we can have room to improve from all area of the organisation.

Don't mind to make an appointment for interview. We are keen to share more during a face to face meeting. 

Company Benefits

Parking Allowance


Medical Benefits


Gym Subsidization


Our Address

21 - 4, Jalan SP 2/2, Taman Serdang Perdana, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

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